Name before adoption: Edel
Name after adoption: Iggy
Adoption date: Nov. 2018
Breed: mix. Female

From new family:

So nice to hear from you!!

Edel is now Iggy and yes,  She’s been following KOCA! Feel free to use her photo’s on Instagram for your site! We are big advocates of dog adopting!

She’s been absolutely fantastic and has adjusted well. We just had a trainer come by yesterday to start us on some training for Iggy.

Do you happen to have any dog trainers that you partner with and can recommend? The trainer we found is located downtown and quite expensive so we are looking for someone more convenient.

After picking iggy up from KOCA, we did have a vet follow up and ended up having to go to an eye specialist as Iggy has eye damage in both eyes (one eye is more severe than the other). The specialist did recommend that we remove some hair follicles that are growing hair into her eyeballs however this procedure is extremely costly. Do you have a preferred vet that we can go see for this procedure to be done?

After adoption 

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